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Service Level Agreement

Support Request Response Time

For support request tickets, we will respond no more than 1 business day from the time of the request. If the ticket severity is critical (i.e., the Platform is not available for use), the LAMDAT support team will make an effort to respond within 12 hours of the request.

Provision of Error Information

To assist with the support ticket, we will need all relevant error information and any other particulars requested, including the request to reproduce the error on the customer's own system. The Customer acknowledges that LAMDAT may not be able to reproduce or address the error without the foregoing information. LAMDAT pending time for Customer response for more information is excluded from the SLA response time (SLA response time is paused).

Remote Assistance

In responding to a request for technical assistance, LAMDAT may choose, at its sole discretion, to use remote access software agreed upon by the Customer that enables a support engineer and the Customer to work on and view the same screen.

Support Includes

  • Assistance with issues during installation or upgrades

Support Does Not Include

  • Designing the Synchronization process
  • Configuration of SyncNow, including setting system connectors, synchronization process, or General SyncNow Settings
  • Setting or importing a published Sync Template
  • Setting up HTTPS connection or setting a proxy in front of SyncNow
  • Product Training

Professional Services

LAMDAT offers professional services to assist with the design, configuration, and assessment of a solution on top of SyncNow Platform Features.


LAMDAT shall have no obligation to provide support services in connection with:

  • Customers who do not have a valid and current license or active subscription
  • Altered or modified Platform, including database or code changes
  • Issues caused by factors outside of LAMDAT’s reasonable control, including any force majeure event or limitation or slowdown of Internet access
  • Platform problems caused by Customer’s (or third party’s) misuse, negligence, hardware malfunction, modification of the Platform, or other causes beyond the control of LAMDAT
  • Platform being used in a way that is inconsistent with LAMDAT’s documentation or in breach of the Agreement or this SLA.